Be sure to carry your residence card with you.
Be sure to inform the school when you start a part-time work, as there are some jobs that are prohibited for foreign students.
People under 20 years of age are prohibited from drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.
Never go out with knives or other dangerous objects.
Everyone wants a place that is clean, quiet, safe, and fun.
There are some things that you need to take care of in order to live in Japan.
(1) Basic rules for garbage disposal
When you dispose of garbage, you have to observe the following rules:
* In general, you must put your garbage bags outside on the morning of the collection day.
* The wrong kind of garbage or garbage bags placed outside of the designated site will not be collected.
* In some areas, you have to purchase trash bags designated by the local government and put your garbage in them.
(2) Illegal dumping
Do not dump waste at any non-designated site.
It is against the law to do so, and you may be punished.
Observe the garbage-sorting rules of the municipality in which you reside.
Many municipalities have regulations that do not allow the littering of streets with cans and cigarette butts. Doing this can be a criminal offence, so never do it.
Japanese people tend to think that loud sounds and voices bother others.
Always be hygienic.
Use Restroom cleanly.
In public spaces like trains and buses, please keep in mind the following:
Please follow the rules where there are prohibited signs.
Follow the traffic rules.
If you have an accident, or if you are involved in an accident, what will you do?
1. Stop immediately. Pull your vehicle over to a safe place such as the road shoulder or an open space, to give way to other cars.
2. Check to see if anyone is injured.
3. Then call the ambulance and police.
4. Go to a hospital and get checked out by a doctor.
5.Contact your school or company.
6.Get a traffic accident certificate from police.
Please check out more manners on your own or in our class.
窓口受付時間:月曜日-金曜日 10:00~16:00
N.S International School
Address:1-8-29 Tsukidate-Izu, Kurihara, MIYAGI, JAPAN 987-2216
TEL:+81-228-24-9668 / Fusao Saito (Principal)
Office Hour:Mon-Fri 10:00-16:00 (JST)
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