Rules and Manners in Japan

Basic Rules

1. When you go out of the house

Be sure to carry your residence card with you.

2. Part-time work

Be sure to inform the school when you start a part-time work, as there are some jobs that are prohibited for foreign students.

3. Drinking and Smoking

People under 20 years of age are prohibited from drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

4. Belongings

Never go out with knives or other dangerous objects.

Rules and Manners of Daily Life

Everyone wants a place that is clean, quiet, safe, and fun.

There are some things that you need to take care of in order to live in Japan.

1. Garbage

(1) Basic rules for garbage disposal

When you dispose of garbage, you have to observe the following rules:

  • Comply with the garbage sorting rules, pick-up sites and days; and
  • Follow the rules set forth by the municipal government in your area.

* In general, you must put your garbage bags outside on the morning of the collection day.

* The wrong kind of garbage or garbage bags placed outside of the designated site will not be collected.

* In some areas, you have to purchase trash bags designated by the local government and put your garbage in them. 


(2) Illegal dumping

Do not dump waste at any non-designated site.

It is against the law to do so, and you may be punished.

Observe the garbage-sorting rules of the municipality in which you reside.

Many municipalities have regulations that do not allow the littering of streets with cans and cigarette butts. Doing this can be a criminal offence, so never do it.

2. Making Noise

Japanese people tend to think that loud sounds and voices bother others.

  • Be careful that your voices, parties, TV and music are not too loud.
  • Be careful not to make a lot of noise when you use a washing machine,or a vacuum cleaner, or taking a shower early in the morning or late at night.
  • A condominium or apartments, refrain from talking loudly or making a lot of noise.


3. Hygiene

Always be hygienic.

  • Take off your shoes when you enter the house.
  • Wash your hands when you get home and before eating.
  • Take a shower or bath every day if possible.
  • Wash your clothes.
  • Clean your house. 

4. Restroom


Use Restroom cleanly.

  • Be sure to use only the toilet paper that in the restroom. Do not get the seating area wet with water.
  • Used paper should be flushed.
  • Clean it up after you use it.
  • Restroom slippers should be removed before leaving the restroom.

5. Mobile phone use

  • Do not use a mobile phone while walking to avoid injuring yourself or others.
  • It is prohibited by law to use a mobile phone while driving or riding a bicycle.(Do not use earphones either.)
  • Do not talk on mobile phones in trains or buses.
  • Do not make any noise on mobile phones while on trains or buses.


6. On a bus or train

In public spaces like trains and buses, please keep in mind the following:

  • Speaking in a loud voice can bother other people.
  • Talking on the phone on a bus or train is considered to be bad manners in Japan. Please refrain from talking on the phone (as it bothers other people).
  • Be sure that your music is not too loud and cannot be overheard outside of the earphones.
  • When crowded, take care so your backpack does not bother other people.

7. Prohibition signs

Please follow the rules where there are prohibited signs.

Traffic Rules

Follow the traffic rules.

If you have an accident, or if you are involved in an accident, what will you do?

1. Traffic lights

  • Green light : Pedestrians can proceed to cross the street.
  • Yellow or flashing green light: Pedestrians may not begin to cross the street;if pedestrians has already commenced crossing, he or she should either attempt to finish crossing quickly or turn back.
  • Red light: Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the street.

2.Walking, Crossing

  • Pedestrian should walk on the right side of the street or use the sidewalks or stray within the lines marked for walking on the road when they are available.
  • Pedestrians should cross the street using the nearest traffic light intersection or pedestrian crossings, overpass or underpass.
  • Pedestrians should cross the street only after making sure it is safe to do so.
  • Pedestrians should wear brightly colored clothing or reflective materials at night so that drivers can see better.


  • In principle, cyclists should ride on the street and use sidewalk only in exceptional cases.
  • Cyclists should ride on the left side of the street.
  • Cyclist are prohibited from riding under the influence of alcohol.
  • Riding double is prohibited.
  • Riding side by side is prohibited.
  • Cyclists must not use umbrellas or talk on mobile phones or use earphones when riding.
  • Cyclists must use bicycle lights at night.
  • Cyclists required to purchase personal accident insurance to be able to compensate for any damage or injury from a bicycle accident.
  • Don't borrow a friend's bike to ride. (Riding by anyone other than a registered user can cause problems.)
  • Park your bicycle neatly in areas where bicycle parking permits. Do not park your bicycle on the street or in front of the entrance to the park.

If a traffic accident occurs

1. Stop immediately. Pull your vehicle over to a safe place such as the road shoulder or an open space, to give way to other cars.

2. Check to see if anyone is injured.

3. Then call the ambulance and police.

  • If anyone gets injured, call 119 to request an ambulance. Until the ambulance arrives, try to give first aid (such as stop any bleeding) to the injured following the operator’s instructions. Do NOT move the injured person unnecessarily.
  • Whether anyone is injured or not, contact the police on 110. Do NOT leave the spot until a police officer arrives. When a police officer arrives, report the accident and have the site inspected.

4. Go to a hospital and get checked out by a doctor.

  • You may not feel injured in an accident, however, it may turn out later that you have been seriously injured. It is recommended that you see a doctor right away.

5.Contact your school or company.

  • Report where you were in the accident and where you are now.

6.Get a traffic accident certificate from police.


  • Say greetings and Show your appreciation.
  • Keep in line at any moment.
  • Return the items you have used to their original place.
  • Keep your shoes in a neat rows in pairs after taking them off.
  • Don't be late for the appointed time.

Please check out more manners on your own or in our class.